8th - 19th July 2024

Apply AI in creating compelling social media content, including videos and graphics. This course offers insights into leveraging AI for a stronger online presence and improved audience engagement.
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Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.

Enroll in the 12-day
A.I. Influencer Microschool

and propel your business into the AI era

The realm of AI influence is ever-evolving, with yesterday's innovations quickly becoming today's standards.

The AI Influencer Microschool is your catalyst for staying current with these rapid advancements, reshaping the way you connect and engage with your audience.

Our 12-day program offers the latest in AI-based digital marketing, covering content creation, customer interaction, and innovation. You’ll learn to develop AI-driven strategies, including personalized ads and chatbots, guided by experts with a track record in AI technology, all aimed at boosting your business in any economic environment.

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Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.


Over the 12-day course, you'll receive live mentorship from our AI experts, who will help you build a robust, future-ready AI business strategy. Our faculty, experienced in leading successful AI initiatives, will provide valuable insights to enhance your AI business approach.
Roger Hamilton

Renowned Entrepreneur and Futurist

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Suraj Naik

Head of Digital Content for GeniusU

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Michelle Nolting

Partnerships Manager, Entrepreneurs Institute

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Jason Jaingue

Head of Product Genius Group

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Master the AI-Driven Business Model:
Learn the revolutionary model that has doubled the success of businesses, tested and refined for optimal results.


Hands-On Learning Approach:
Each day, apply AI strategies in real-time, setting up AI-driven marketing tools like ads, customer engagement pathways, and chatbots, all under expert guidance.


Lifetime Access to Learning Materials:
Gain unlimited access to all course modules and recordings, ensuring you can continue refining your skills and strategies after the course ends.


Join an Expansive Network of Innovators:
Connect with over 25,000 members in our vibrant community, a hub for networking, sharing opportunities, and accessing valuable resources.


Showcase Your Business to Millions:
Leverage our platform to present your business to over 6.2 million entrepreneurs, featuring your own online store and a selection of advanced, market-ready products.



The AI Influencer Microschool is structured around a cutting-edge framework that consistently draws in thousands of new enthusiasts and potential leads every week, positioning your business at the forefront of AI innovation.

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Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.


Week 1

AI Influencer Integration Blueprint

Lay the groundwork for leveraging AI in your influencer
initiatives. This week is all about crafting a comprehensive
strategy that uses AI to personalize content, understand
audience dynamics, and engage followers at scale.


Develop AI Influencer Strategies: Forge techniques to use AI for creating authentic, engaging content that resonates with and grows your follower base.

Content Personalization with AI: Hone your skills in using AI to tailor content that speaks directly to your audience's interests and behaviors.

Audience Insights with AI: Learn how to deploy AI tools to gain a deeper understanding of your audience, enabling you to create more impactful and relevant content.

AI in Influencer Marketing: Discover how to integrate AI into your branding and marketing efforts, ensuring each campaign is data-driven and precisely targeted.

Week 2

Advanced A.I. Influencer
Marketing Techniques

Advance to the next level of AI applications in influencer marketing,
focusing on personalized engagement and intelligent content
creation that sets you apart in the digital arena.


AI-Driven Content Analysis: Gain expertise in AI systems that evaluate content performance, providing insights to shape future influencer campaigns.

Engage with Interactive Content: Learn the art of creating interactive, AI-driven content that captivates and actively involves your audience.

Elevate Engagement with AI Tools: Master the use of AI in engaging with followers, from automated responses to sophisticated content recommendations.

Optimize Your Influence with AI: Understand how to measure the impact of your AI-enhanced content and refine your strategy for maximum reach and engagement.

Apply to join the

A.I. Influencer Microschool

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Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.

Dear Aspiring AI Architect,

As we witness the swift advance of economic and technological landscapes, the innovation spotlight shines on AI-driven influence — a burgeoning field brimming with growth and transformation potential.

The AI Influencer Microschool is your incubator for success in this new frontier. Tailored to forge leaders in the AI influence arena, this program offers a deep dive into the strategic use of AI to build and grow digital influencers.

Picture the power of AI in crafting digital personalities that captivate audiences, create engaging content, and lead the narrative across platforms. Our curriculum is more than instructional—it's a transformative vessel. You'll interact with avant-garde AI tools, shepherded by specialists eager to catalyze your triumph.

This is your call to be among the elite 75 to pioneer the AI Influencer Microschool. A few dedicated hours each day can elevate your skills, enabling you to architect and cultivate AI influencers that lead the digital dialogue. Embrace this revolution, apply today, and gear up to forge the path of digital influence.

Anticipating the start of this groundbreaking journey with you.


The AI Influencer Microschool is a 12-day intensive program designed to cover the key aspects of integrating AI into your business, offering personal guidance and mentoring for sustainable revenue growth and business scalability.

Featuring specialized modules on AI-driven marketing and business strategies.
This program is a culmination of the best practices in AI entrepreneurship. Our faculty, comprised of industry leaders and innovators, delivers a high-impact learning experience that prepares your business for success in the increasingly AI-driven world.


Tailored for maximum relevance and impact.
The strategies you'll learn have been instrumental in generating significant revenues and establishing strong market presences for businesses worldwide. As a participant, you'll gain insights into the latest AI marketing techniques and technologies that have been recognized and utilized by major platforms and corporations.


The course structure ensures a comprehensive learning experience.
With each day bringing new insights from a different expert mentor. You’ll engage in two training sessions daily, participate in Q&A sessions, and present your learnings at the end of the module for peer review and expert feedback.


Beyond individual learning.
The AI Entrepreneur Microschool fosters a sense of community, connecting participants globally through virtual and local learning circles. The program culminates in a global award ceremony, celebrating the most outstanding projects and success stories, with significant prize money for the top presentations.Expect to invest 2-3 hours per day in this transformative journey, emerging with a robust understanding of how to leverage AI for your business's success.


Apply to join the

A.I. Influencer Microschool

Apply Now

Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.


Upon receiving your application, you will be invited for an orientation call with your facilitator. This session will help you define your goals for the 12-day program and identify areas where you need the most support. It’s an opportunity to tailor your microschool experience to your specific level and needs.

Following this, you’ll gain access to our exclusive AI Influencer Microschool community. Here, you can connect with other participants, exchange ideas, resources, and insights.

You will receive a detailed schedule for the entire microschool. This includes mentor-led sessions on key days of the week, culminating in a presentation and assessment session on the final day. Additionally, there will be a dedicated implementation day where you'll apply the learned concepts to develop your AI-driven business strategy. On this day, we also offer a Q&A session to address any immediate queries and facilitate continuous learning.

The course is designed to require only a few hours each day, leading you to establish a fully functional, revenue-generating digital strategy by the end of the program. We equip you with all the necessary tools and knowledge to set up and manage your digital products, services, and teams, including the setup of a community and payment gateway.

We guide you through the process of listing your products online and fostering a community that actively engages with your business.

As you progress through the microschool, you'll start to see the practical results of your learning in the form of revenue and cash flow.

Once the microschool concludes, you retain continuous access to all the program materials and our global community. This allows you to revisit the content or explore new modules at your convenience, ensuring ongoing growth and learning.


This program is ideal for a wide range of individuals, including:

Freelancers, self-employed professionals, or remote employees aiming to develop new income streams through AI integration.

Small business owners who want to transition their existing business online or elevate their current digital operations to a more advanced level using AI.

Influencers looking for effective and rapid strategies to leverage AI for business growth, particularly in navigating through challenging economic times.

Visionaries who have identified market opportunities and are seeking guidance to quickly develop and launch AI-centric business models and products.


The A.I. INFLUENCER MICROSCHOOL is a learning challenge!

That means that as you learn, you get to implement with our team of expert mentors to support you. The more action you take, the better your learning and results.

There will be prizes on offer for those that attend all sessions, complete the curriculum and are taking bold action too!

Book a call

Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.

When you complete this microschool

You earn credits towards 1 year Entrepreneur Certification!



Charlotte Mawle

What’s included when you join the

The 2 week live and interactive Microschool

(Over $1,495 worth of value)

The AI Influencer Microschool is a 2 week online Microschool that gives you the tools, training, strategy and expertise needed to prosper no matter what the economy is doing.

We take you through the key AI 5.0 strategies along with supporting you to implement it.

As part of the Mircoschool you will receive:

Full access to the live expert training sessions three times a week with implementation time built in.

Weekly strategic feedback sessions in small groups and LIVE Q&A forums.

Access to the Faculty of experts within our closed GeniusU Circle where you can post questions, share ideas and strategies.

Full GeniusU Mentor Status
(Valued at $970)

Ability to connect with over 950,000 members looking for help and guidance and to be promoted by “Genie” with your own 5 star ratings and reviews. You can:

Set up your community circles to build quality leads and trust.

Create your own paid Microcourses and Microschools on GeniusU.

Set up, host and run your own events, both virtually and in real time.

Share your opportunities with all of the the other members on GeniusU.

Place your products and services for sale on the GeniusU webstore..

Earn affiliate commissions and track your earnings on a personalised dashboard.

You will also be connected to all of the Flow Consultants, Performance Consultants and Master Trainers within Entrepreneurs Institute in our GeniusU closed circle.

Genius Metaversity
(Valued at $970)

A full year on the Genius Educator Metaversity programme run by Roger James Hamilton.

Full GeniusU Mentor Status - $970

Cash vouchers to use with selected mentoring, training and events - $2,000+

A quarterly navigation call with a Senior Genius Igniter - $1000

Two tokens to take Wealth Dynamics 5.0 - $194

30 Minute Personalised strategy call
(Valued at $290)

The course comes with a personalized call where you get clear direction from our team of Genius Igniters on the next steps to take right now based on your current situation.

The 2 week Marketing 5.0 Microschool catalogue of modules
(Valued at $295)

You get ongoing access to all of the modules delivered by our expert faculty. Come back later in the year and learn the critical skills for your ongoing success. This includes full access to the recordings of the Microschool, created as a Microcourse within the GeniusU platform.

As your revenues return to what they were before the crisis started, you can continue to grow through our tailored approach to learning.

Two tokens to take the upgraded 2020 Wealth Dynamics 5.0 or Talent Dynamics Tests
(Valued at $194)

Take the World's No.1 Entrepreneur Profiling Tool, now fully shareable, integrated, and mobile-friendly on GeniusU and gift a token to a friend or colleague.

Entrepreneur vouchers to use with selected mentoring, training and events
(Valued at $2,000+)

You will be given more than $2,000 of vouchers, which you can use to receive a discount on many of our products, from startup retreats to workshops for highly successful businesses, allowing you to transform and grow at speed over the next 12 months.

The Impact Test
(Valued at $37)

We will send you an invite to take the Impact Test for free. You will learn your entrepreneur level, your company's impact level, and the steps to take to 10x your income and impact.


Apply Now: $970

Normal Rate: $1,495
Save $525

Book a call

Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.

What people are saying

  • The GeniusU’s 2 week programme paved the way for our land based business to have a digital presence. The course also highlighted the purpose of the business which in turn gave us great clarity around our digital offering.
    - Keith

  • The Genius Institute's 4 weeks programme showed me that to create the business I wanted, it wasn’t about letting go of the perceived outcome, but rather about partnering up with the right team. One that could do the deals, and make the connections, leaving me open to do the work I do best. It also pushed me to question his new business.

    In addition, I identified a need to deliver my coaching program to multiple ideal clients. I decided an online course using the GeniusU Microdegree functionality was a way I could help real estate professionals, as well as other entrepreneurs.
    - Roberto E Suarez

  • I joined the microscshool program intending to help the customers who needed immediate support in the crisis. Business owners were having real experiences during the virus crisis time period, but what information did the business owners need to know to be adequately covered.

    The first step was clear. Create a simple and accessible tool to support customer decision making. To solve this, we created a risk planning tool using the nine levels of Wealth Dynamics.

    By April 2020, three new customers approached AssureMe for Risk Management, each with over a million-dollar value in revenue. Proving the solution worked.
    - Caroline Liang

  • I joined the micro school program intending to quickly identify and create new income streams. In a way, I needed to go back to the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, as if I hadn’t built a successful business, to be able to look at the problems of the moment and refocus my purpose with that in mind.

    I created an online Arts Dynamics Entrepreneur Mastermind membership, went live weekly with an Arts Dynamics Talks Livestream/podcast series interviewing key players in the industry, and began to digitize courses and mentor sessions. In addition I partnered up with trusted colleagues in Sweden, Denmark and abroad, for added synergies and mutual support.

    The success of these essential pivots can be seen in the results. I have now launched a fully scalable online members and product business, gaining over 25 founding members in its launch. With members already reporting the replacement of lost income. I have been invited to speak at various paid online events and have several 1-2-1 clients.
    - Sofie Marin



8th - 19th July 2024



Early Application


Full Price



The 2 week live and interactive Microschool - $2,495

Full Mentor status on GeniusU for 12 months - $970

Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind for 12 months - $970

The 2 week Microschool Microdegree and catalog of modules - $495

A 30 minute personalized strategy call with one of our certified Genius Igniters $290

The Impact Test - $37

Two tokens to take the upgraded 2020 Wealth Dynamics or Talent Dynamics Tests - $194

Entrepreneur vouchers to use with selected mentoring, training and events - $2000

Book a call

Speak to our expert Genius Igniters and secure your spot.

Book your call to speak to our expert Genius Igniters.


What are the dates for the AI Influencer Microschool?
The program is scheduled from 8th - 19th July 2024.

How is the AI Influencer Microschool delivered?
The microschool combines live mentor-led sessions, interactive workshops, and hands-on implementation days. The program is delivered online, allowing global participation.

What is the time commitment for this program?
Participants should expect to dedicate 2-3 hours per day over the 12-day period.

Who is this program best suited for?
The microschool is ideal for freelancers, small business owners, Influencers, and anyone looking to integrate AI into their business models.

What will I learn in the AI Influencer Microschool?
Apply AI in creating compelling social media content, including videos and graphics. This course offers insights into leveraging AI for a stronger online presence and improved audience engagement.

Do I need prior experience with AI or digital marketing?
While prior experience can be beneficial, it is not a requirement. The program is designed to accommodate a range of skill levels, from beginners to those with some experience.

What are the costs involved in enrolling in the AI Influencer Microschool?
For pricing and payment details, please refer to our application page or contact our admissions team.

Will I receive any certification upon completion?
Yes, participants who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of completion.

How can I apply for the AI Influencer Microschool?
You can apply through our website. After submitting your application, you will be contacted for an orientation call

Is there any post-program support or community involvement?
Yes, participants will have access to our global community and ongoing resources, enabling continuous learning and networking opportunities.